So nice running weather for a change, a start temperature of 64 and a finishing temperature of 65. Weird how all summer long I've wished for cold temperatures and I finally get them and I notice the chill.
The run went really well with no discomfort and only displeasure being my running app not starting with my run. I believe I would have come in at right under an?hour for 7.24 miles based on my starting time of 6:50 AM and finishing time of 7:50 AM.
Kinda cool sitting here on my bench and seeing steam coming off my body, kinda like the football players during a cold game. I wonder where all this sweat is coming from? I mean, I've neve been one to sweat much, even during wrestling in high school, or even last year when I ran my 26 at the gym. It's kinda gross, I even wrung a shirt out once with sweat, prob half a cups worth. Sucks because I have to being an extra shirt on my runs to change into for my commute home.
So till tommorrow.
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