Saturday, December 1, 2012

Calling For Change

Well here we are, new month, end of year, let's go out with bang.  First off, I plan on doing better with the blog, maybe there is someone who can find some use behind my journey, I know I've benefited from reading other people's blogs.

Since we have a new month, and I am proud of accomplishing my biggest feat of the year, I want to go out with a bang.  My goal is to run 200 miles this month.  This came about from a new blog that I found,, my fellow twitter friend Jess.  Jess managed to run 300 miles in a month,, 300 miles in a month, yes I repeated that because that's a bunch, think of how far 300 miles is just in your car alone.  This equals to 10 miles a day, without any rest days, no slip ups, nothing.  A very strict schedule which, having accomplished my feat of the Chicago Marathon, I know takes plenty of dedication.  Since I'm not running baller status yet, my goal is going to be 200 miles.

I have slipped up since running my marathon, in the sense that 2 months prior to the marathon, running had become fun, if you will, or just eh another run.  Since then, I haven't run consistently and now even come to the point where I'm putting pressure on myself for timing.  Yes my times have dropped drastically but losing focus of my main priority  long distance.

I want to thank Jess, for telling of your feat, and inspiring this goal and Michelle, another friend from twitter.  Michelle is a beast when it comes to running.  She goes out on early morning runs, and comes back posting 6+ mile runs with times in the 8 min mile pace.  This isn't a grand thing to seasoned runners, but you see Michelle just ran her first marathon in October and ran a 4 hour plus marathon.  I ran a 3:49:58 and to see her come back with the those times and distances, means I got really really lucky, she had a bad run and I have lots work on.  There's plenty of people who have movtivated me in my running, too many to name, you'll have your day to shine in my blogs, just had to mention Jess and Michelle.

So its, my shoes, iphone, and Shures

"Reach for the stars
And if you don't grab 'em,
At least you'll fall on top of the world
Think about it"